Protecting Your Assets

Protecting Your Assets

Critical Insurance Coverage and Considerations for Today’s Laundry Owners [This is the first in an ongoing series of articles covering business insurance issues for vended laundry owners.] Insurance. Ugh! Who really wants to think about it? After all,...


Take Your Wash-Dry-Fold Service to the Next Level As today’s society becomes more starved for time – and as markets for traditional vended laundry services grow increasingly competitive – the wash-dry-fold laundry business have been a consistent bright spot for many...
Creating a Winning Team

Creating a Winning Team

Staffing Your Brand New Vended Laundry Business As laundry owners, we live and die by “The Rule of 10.” In other words, a new customer’s very first impression of your store occurs in the first 10 feet, the first 10 seconds and the first 10 words. You’ve just...