When Owning a Laundromat, the Secret to Success is a Constancy of Purpose

Famed American writer and lecturer Dale Carnegie firmly believed that “flaming enthusiasm, backed by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.”

And I strongly agree that, essentially, this is the secret sauce to winning no matter what your endeavor happens to be – including owning and managing a laundromat.

In my view, there are five closely related characteristics you should attempt to develop, as they will lay the foundation for persistence and, in turn, business success.

Be relentless. Being relentless means you have an uncompromising commitment to success. For example, when the car brand Lexus added the word “relentless” to its pursuit of perfection advertising campaign, the automaker was overtly telling customers that its cars were getting better and better, and that no obstacle would stand in the way of its quest to be the best. In fact, it’s difficult to think of a word that more perfectly communicates persistence.

Maybe use this phrase in your own marketing and advertising and see what type of public attention it garners. Try it.

Be determined. Being determined is about you, and it demonstrates your deep personal commitment to achieving what you set your mind to accomplishing. The term suggests deliberate intentions, setting your sights on a goal, and the uncompromising pursuit of that goal.

A good example within your laundromat business might be to work with an employee who may be less talented than others on your team – but to keep working until that attendant develops into a confident and ideal team member that your customers love.

Develop a single-minded focus. This is about your discipline, which is a trait common to all successful individuals. Combine strength of mind and strength of will, and focus on the task at hand, which is a rarely encountered skill in today’s chaotic work environment. Winners possess the innate ability to shut out everything else and focus on the main task in front of them.

This is a necessary quality, due to the constant cacophony of electronic distractions now vying for our attention at any given moment. These days, being highly focused is a more valuable trait than ever before.

Utilize a hands-on approach. The lack of a hands-on approach is the main reason Apple’s shareholder value plummeted during a year of CEO Steve Jobs’ absence. And it’s also why, upon his return, the company’s stock price perked up and public confidence in Apple was immediately restored.

When the genius behind a company is missing in action, the assumption is that, the company will falter. Customers admire and trust leaders who are willing to roll up their sleeves and participate in the “real work.”

Demonstrate – and put into practice – a “let’s get to work” attitude. This type of mentality will clearly communicate your intentions and expectations of success. It’s the perfect ending to a perfect speech – delivering a call to action is common to all winners in the world of business. And this is likely the most effective call to action, because the message communicated isn’t about the work itself, but is instead focused on a successful outcome. In essence, it’s an invitation for all to join together – employees, associates, suppliers, vendors, and even customers – to accomplish the common goal of making your laundry business the leader in its marketplace.

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