Mr Jeff Names Managing Director for U.S. Market

Mr Jeff, a laundry home delivery franchise, has named Peter Stern the company’s new managing director in the United States. With more than 20 years of experience in the laundromat industry, Stern will play a critical role in helping Mr Jeff reach its goal of becoming...

CLA Releases 2021 Industry Survey

The Coin Laundry Association has announced the release of its annual Laundry Industry Survey. Each year, the CLA commissions Readex Inc. – a nationally recognized independent research company – to conduct an industrywide survey of laundromat owners. The data, in...
Don’t Stop Now!

Don’t Stop Now!

Congratulations! Your laundromat survived 2020 and the first half of 2021 – a time during which an incredible number of brick-and-mortar retail businesses in the U.S. failed and simply disappeared. For all owners, the past year and a half has been historically...