Let’s Get Creative

Let’s Get Creative

Strengthen Every Aspect of Your Laundry Business by Building Your Creativity “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou, American poet Where would we be without creativity? The answer very likely is some version of...
Head ‘Em off at the Pass

Head ‘Em off at the Pass

Use Preemptive Marketing to Outshine Even Your Toughest Competition Are you are sitting down? I hope so, because what I am about to relay to you may be the single most amazingly powerful marketing technique anyone could ever use. Yet… I have never seen it done in the...
Truth or Consequences

Truth or Consequences

Being Less Than Honest in Your Advertising Will Damage Your Reputation and Cost You Customers “The most powerful element in advertising is the truth.” – Bill Bernbach, advertising pioneer The fundamental truism about promoting your self-service laundry is...