Current Issue
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Cover Story

2018: A Look Back
Recapping the Past Year… And Taking a Glimpse into the Industry’s Future It’s that time of year again – a time to reminisce about the 365 days gone by – and to try to predict what the next 365 have in store. Everyone does it – from the largest television networks to...
Business Spotlight
Business Bio: The Laundry Tub
Joseph Basile The Laundry Tub Lantana, Fla. Before Getting into the Laundry Business… Basile is also a general contractor and property developer. Store Opening June 2015 Business Hours 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. daily Staff Three full-time attendants, working two shifts...
The Business Mind

Are You Annoying?
Look for Small Annoyances That May Be Bugging Your Customers and Silently Destroying Your Laundromat’s Otherwise Pleasant Atmosphere Believe it or not, you may be inadvertently annoying your laundromat customers without even knowing it. And, honestly, very few of them...
Wash With Wally

Wash with Wally: The Keys to Cleaning Cloth Restaurant Napkins
I have potential commercial account that would require us to launder cloth napkins for an Italian restaurant. The napkins are red and most certainly will have oil and other food stains. The client wants these napkins laid out flat for delivery. What are the best...
The Laundry Doctor

Ozone Examined…
A Look at What Ozone Can Do for Your Laundry Business Since the COVID-19 outbreak, laundromat owners now more than ever have focused on creating safe, clean environments for their customers. As a result, ozone as a laundry additive has been gaining a lot of industry...