Integrity Laundry Solutions Opens Branch Office

Integrity Laundry Solutions – headquartered in Walla Walla, Wash. – recently opened a new branch office in Kent, Wash. The full-service distributor of laundry equipment, parts, ozone systems and chemicals serves the vended, on-premises and multi-housing...

Speed Queen Launches Art of the Journey Contest

Speed Queen is now accepting entries for its third annual contest, which will pay off one deserving store owner’s replacement loan through Speed Queen Financial Services, up to $100,000. From now through October 31, owners who reinvest in their stores with new...

WashClub Expands into San Francisco

WashClub, an on-demand laundry and drycleaning service, has opened its newest branch in San Francisco. Owned and operated by long-time San Francisco residents Pari and Revika Khosla, WashClub San Francisco’s services are available via the WashClub mobile app or...

Deadlocked Supreme Court Blocks Immigration Plan

The Supreme Court recently blocked President Obama’s effort to protect more than four million undocumented immigrants from the threat of deportation, deadlocking 4-4 over a plan that had divided much of the nation. The tie vote leaves intact lower federal court...

Fine-Tune Your Message

Five Psychological Insights That Can Help You Dramatically Improve Your Advertising and Marketing “Before you can have a share of market, you must have a share of mind” – Leo Burnett, advertising pioneer Warning: This article will encourage you to want to...