
The Laundry Doctor

The Down and Dirty

Originally posted - May 25, 2012 We're going to discuss oil and grease – and the tough, nasty stains they leave on our customers' garments. More importantly, we're going to talk about how to grow your drop-off laundry business by effectively tackling those seemingly...

Profitable Pricing

Originally posted - Feb 08, 2012 I get frequent calls from laundry owners asking me how to accurately price their commercial accounts. And the first thing I point out to them is that commercial laundry is a slightly different animal than residential wash-dry-fold...

Wash With Wally

The Business Mind

Is It Time for an Attitude Adjustment?

How You View the World Has More to Do with the Success of Your Laundry Business Than You May Think "People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude" – John Maxwell, American author and speaker It's no secret that people are unique in many ways. This, of...

‘Good Enough’ Just Isn’t

When It Comes to Managing Your Laundry Business, Success Is In the Details If I had a dollar for every time I've heard a laundry owner say, "Heck, that's good enough," when referring to some specific aspect of his or her laundry business – rather than working just a...

Become a Show Off

Grab a Larger Share of Your Market Using Carefully Crafted Television Commercials During the last 15 years or so, I'll wager that I've written, directed and/or appeared in about 50 television commercials to advertise my self-service laundry business – or to help...


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