The Laundry Doctor
Building a Winning Team, Part 3
The Right Attendants with the Proper Training Will Have Customers Viewing You and Your Staff as Their Local Laundry Experts [This is the third of a three-part series on hiring and training laundry attendants.] Last month, I discussed how to track a new attendant's...
Building a Winning Team, Part 2
How to Quickly Track a New Hire's Progress and Likelihood of Success Right from the Beginning [This is the second of a three-part series on hiring and training laundry attendants.] Last month, in the first of our series on attendants, I noted that it was important to...
Building a Winning Team
Here's How to Improve Your Chances of Hiring Quality Attendants - And Starting Them Off of the Right Foot [This is the first of a three-part series on hiring and training laundry attendants.] To me, employee training actually starts with the hiring process. And that...
Wash With Wally

Wash with Wally: Preventing Dryer Fires
I own three self-service laundries, and I’ve been plagued with dryer fires. I have the ductwork cleaned every three years. What can I do to prevent these fires? What am I missing? One of the problems I notice in a lot of laundries is that the ductwork has been...

Wash with Wally: Ozone Injection vs. COVID-19
My laundromat has two banks of washers – for a total of 16 machines – that feature ozone injection. I was wondering if ozone is effective at killing the COVID-19 virus. If so, I will definitely want to begin extensively promoting and advertising this feature of my...

Wash with Wally: Best Practices for Operating Safely and Effectively During COVID-19 Pandemic
We have a lot of customers who use our drop-off wash-dry-fold service, including some doctors’ offices. Should I continue this service during the COVID-19 crisis? I want to protect my employees, but I also want to help serve our community. What should I do? You can...
The Business Mind

The Art of Primal Persuasion
Here’s How to Influence Customer Buying Behavior through the Principles of Neuroscience It’s a most unfortunate fact that literally billions of dollars are wasted on advertisements across all industries – including the vended laundry business – that simply fall short...

Master Your Message
Proven Principles to Help You Craft More Impactful Advertising Advertising has one purpose and one purpose only – to affect someone’s behavior. You want consumers to try something different. More specifically, you want them to switch from their current laundromat to...

Be a Smooth Operator
Grow Your Laundry Business by Eliminating Points of Friction Leonardo da Vinci was born in Tuscany, Italy, in 1452. Although he had no formal education, he dabbled in painting (Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, to name a few), sculpting, architecture, engineering,...
Building on Past Success… Exceeding Our Potential
Happy New Year, and welcome to 2018!I consider it an honor and a privilege to be serving as the Chairman of the Board for the Coin Laundry Association this year. Last year was historic for the CLA, as last year's chairman, Jim Whitmore, oversaw the introduction of new...
Something New is Afoot
If you're reading this, you are – simply by virtue of doing so – among the cream of the crop. You are someone who is willing to dig deep to find every little nugget that can further reinforce your commitment to your chosen place in our industry. More importantly, it...
Attracting and Retaining Top Talent for Your Laundry Business
As any store owner will tell you, one of the toughest parts of running a vended laundry business is hiring – and then hanging onto – quality attendants. However, one of the ways some laundromat operators are overcoming this hurdle is by providing performance...
Digital Marketing

Marketing Trends to Adopt in 2019
These Four Growing Technologies and Promotional Methods Deserve Your Attention The marketing industry is relentless, and it likes to think big. Every year, new technologies and marketing methods emerge that seek to make it easier for businesses like yours win new...