The Laundry Doctor
Stain Removal: Back to Basics
Originally posted - Aug 27, 2014 I get calls from laundry owners every week, asking a number of questions about different ways to enhance their drop-off laundry businesses. However, the most common queries I receive revolve around stain removal. So, let's go back to...

Reaching the ‘Finish’ Line
Originally posted -Mar 01, 2013 There are several ways to bridge the gap between doing "traditional" wash-dry-fold at your store and taking it a step further to offer your customers a more finished laundry product. A lot of laundry owners have bridged that gap by...
The ‘Inn’ Crowd
Originally posted - Nov 16, 2012 One of the most profitable and high-volume commercial accounts a self-service laundry owner can acquire is a small hotel. Typically, such accounts are 20- to 45-room hotels that may or may not have their own laundry facilities – and...
Wash With Wally
Wash with Wally: Cleaning Leather Gloves, Keeping Stainless Steel Washers Shiny and More…
I've landed a commercial account with the local sewer and water department, washing their leather gloves. But I am having trouble getting the gloves soft and pliable. I also could use some tips on how to remove all of the dirt, grime and grease on them. I would...
Wash with Wally: Removing Food Oil Stains, Dealing with Smoke Odors and More…
I have a great drop-off laundry business. Up until recently, I had no problems with stain removal. However, last month, I picked up a restaurant account and now wash a great deal of their linen. My problem is that I can't seem to remove the food oil stains from the...
Wash with Wally: Calculating a Workable Retail Rent, Bidding on a Commercial Account and More…
My rent payment is killing me. Is there some type of calculation as to what percentage of gross the rent should be? Ideally, your rent should be between 15 percent and 25 percent of your gross volume. When you venture into that 25 percent range, have debt service on...
The Business Mind
What If…?
Four Common Questions That Keep First-Time Laundry Owners Up at Night First-time laundry owners are an interesting group. Based on my 30 years of experience as a distributor working with many of them, the typical rookie operator is overflowing with nervous enthusiasm...
The 7 Qualities of a Profitable Marketer
Boost Your Laundry Business by Developing These Critical Skills Marketing is every laundry owner's link to the outside world. It's how you persuasively encourage people to repeatedly purchase your products and services. Conceptually, it's just that simple. However, it...
More Thoughts Off the Top of My Head
Observations on Life and the Laundry Business - The Sequel Just over a year ago, I wrote a column in this space, which was entitled, "Thoughts Off the Top of My Head."And it was so well-received that I felt a sequel was in order. As I noted in the original article,...
A New Beginning
Originally posted - Jan 27, 2014 After years of unclogging other people's pipes as a licensed master plumber, Florida's Willy Gibson turned his attention to a completely different type of pipe, as the co-owner - along with his wife Margie - of a Pensacola-based smoke...
Digital Marketing
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