The Laundry Doctor

Changing the Game
Today’s Technology Can Reach Out to Potential Wash-Dry-Fold Customers Even Before They Realize They Have a Need for Your Laundry Services Last month, I used this space to discuss digital marketing and the need to develop an online presence in order to grow a...
Know Your Place in the Internet Space
Don’t Overlook Online Marketing When Promoting Your Wash-Dry-Fold Business As someone who studied marketing in college and who has always assumed a solid grasp on the art and science of the topic, I now feel myself moving further and further away from truly...
Here’s to Your Health
Tips and Tactics to Help Keep Your Wash-Dry-Fold Employees Fit, Pain-Free and ProductiveYour employees are the lifeblood of your wash-dry-fold service. And, as that operation grows, you'll likely be thinking more and more about where to find the next great laundry...
Wash With Wally

Wash with Wally: Increasing Drying Capacity
My laundromat currently has 40 30-pound stack dryers. However, they’re 18 years old, and I’m starting to have some mechanical issues with them – so I think it may be time to replace them. Lately, I’ve been considering possibly purchasing 50-pound stack dryers to...

Wash with Wally: Equipping a Uniform Rental Service
I’m researching getting into the uniform business. What types of finishing machines would you recommend? Clearly, the exact type of equipment you’ll require will depend on the kinds of uniforms you plan to work with. Most likely, you need a hot head press, a legger...

Wash with Wally: Sports Bars and Laundromats Typically Don’t Mix
The storefront right next to my laundromat recently became available. I was thinking of leasing this extra space and putting in a small sports bar. I could remove a portion of the wall separating the two units and create a passageway between the laundromat and the...
The Business Mind

The Randomness of Business Life
The Statistical Concept of ‘Regression to the Mean’ – and How It Impacts Your Laundry Operation I’m presently working toward a doctorate degree in clinical psychology. And, as part of the program, I’ve been required to take a number of courses in advanced statistics....

The Skills to Pay the Bills
Master These Six Essential Skills to Take Your Laundry Business to the Next Level I’ve always been a collector of the best words and most valid phrases to describe or define a successful small-business owner – and, more specifically, a highly successful laundromat...

Feeling Emotional (Part 2)
How to Use Emotional Intelligence to Better Manage Yourself and Your Laundry Business [This is the second of a two-part column. Part One can be read here.] While emotional skills may come more naturally to some due to their background and upbringing, there are ways...

Make 2020 Count
“The more people, the more dirty clothes.” – Ancient laundromat wisdom Time flies, as do the decades. Despite the ongoing pandemic and economic concerns, there’s a headcount to be made in 2020. The original constitutional edict from the framers comes to life in the...
Better Than Before: Laundries After the Pandemic
In the March issue in this very space, I wrote a column entitled, “A Decade of Transformation.” I began with the following sentence: “Call me crazy, but I like to see other people happy and succeeding.” I then proceeded to lay out a plan for taking a laundry business...
Stomping on the Front Lines
Many of us got into the laundromat business due to its simple nature and consistent characteristics. For most people, doing their laundry is a weekly demand. For all, it’s a basic necessity – not a luxury. And, for store owners, this provides a smooth and reliable...
Digital Marketing

Marketing by the Numbers
Four Key Performance Indicators All Laundry Owners Need to Track I’m going to make you do some math in this article. But I promise it’s the good kind of math – the kind that lets you know if your marketing plan is actually doing some good for your laundromat business....

Marketing Lessons from an Up-and-Down Year (Part 2)
The Era of Marketing-From-Anywhere [The is the second of a two-part column. Part One can be read here.] The final takeaway from 2021 is less about statistics and trends, and more about the world we find ourselves in. We still find ourselves in a tumultuous time – with...

Marketing Lessons from an Up-and-Down Year (Part 1)
Connecting with Customers During a Time When Connection Has Never Been More Challenging What a year! 2021 has been one for the record books, and it feels as though it flew by. Just like any other year, we’ve learned a lot about how audiences are responding to...