
The Laundry Doctor

Touching Moments

Cut Costs by Limiting the Number of Times Employees Handle Each Wash-Dry-Fold Order Do you mind if we get a little touchy-feely this month? Over the last six months or so, I've had numerous conversations with some of my colleagues from all across the country as to...

A New ‘Spin’ on a Familiar Brand

Tide Tests the Waters of Chicago’s Wash-Dry-Fold Market A few months ago, Proctor & Gamble decided to expand its Tide brand to include a retail, wash-dry-fold model. Using the successful Tide Dry Cleaners franchises as an example of what to expect from this new...

Wash With Wally

The Business Mind

Are You a Procrastinator?

Are You a Procrastinator?

The Time You’re Wasting is Costing You Money, Customers and the Opportunity to Reach Your Full Potential While attending Michigan State University as an undergraduate, I served as the student manager of the varsity tennis team. One particularly freezing January...

Coming to Their Senses

Coming to Their Senses

Leverage the Five Senses to Impact Consumer Behavior As members of the human race, we all experience the world largely through our senses. And, by the way, so does the animal kingdom. However, unlike animals, we also boast well-developed intellectual skills that can...


Big in Japan

Big in Japan

I’m very fortunate that my career with the Coin Laundry Association has enabled me to travel internationally to the trade shows that serve our industry worldwide. Each of these opportunities yield great returns, as I learn more about the business and build...

Building Strong Connections

Building Strong Connections

More meetings in more places for more people. This is the goal of the reinvented affiliate program and the new meeting concept that the Coin Laundry Association is excited to launch. In the May 2018 issue of PlanetLaundry, CLA President and CEO Brian Wallace wrote the...

Digital Marketing

Building a New Relationship with Consumers

Customer Service in Today's Turbulent, Information-Driven World Let’s talk about where businesses are in the world right now. 2020 has been quite a year. And we’re only six months in, which makes everything that’s already happened seem just that much more dramatic....

Traditional vs. Digital

Traditional vs. Digital

What Marketing Methods are Right for Your Laundromat in 2020 and Beyond? Digital marketing is the future, right? As someone on the frontlines of digital marketing for the laundry industry, I certainly believe that to be true – but that doesn’t mean you should change...