
The Laundry Doctor

Ozone Examined…

Ozone Examined…

A Look at What Ozone Can Do for Your Laundry Business Since the COVID-19 outbreak, laundromat owners now more than ever have focused on creating safe, clean environments for their customers. As a result, ozone as a laundry additive has been gaining a lot of industry...

A Change of Heart

A Change of Heart

The Laundry Doctor Reconsiders His Perspective on the Profitability of the Wash-Dry-Fold Business For 20 years, I’ve warned laundromat owners against letting their wash-dry-fold operations interfere with and encroach upon the self-service end of their businesses....

Wash With Wally

The Business Mind

Vive La Différence

Vive La Différence

How to Use Diversity Marketing to Boost Sales and Grow Your Laundry Business For a long time, marketing efforts for companies big and small had one major common denominator. Essentially, they all targeted an older, white audience. Years ago, this strategy may have...

Are You Annoying?

Are You Annoying?

Look for Small Annoyances That May Be Bugging Your Customers and Silently Destroying Your Laundromat’s Otherwise Pleasant Atmosphere Believe it or not, you may be inadvertently annoying your laundromat customers without even knowing it. And, honestly, very few of them...


Anticipating the Renewal of Clean 2022

Anticipating the Renewal of Clean 2022

“The waiting is the hardest part.” – Tom Petty, from “The Waiting” Although many of us initially assumed this classic rock staple from Tom Petty was yet another song about pining for the return to that special someone, Petty himself actually described it as an...

Not Your Father’s Laundromat Buildout

Not Your Father’s Laundromat Buildout

When it comes to building a new laundromat these days, it’s a whole different ballgame that it was 35, 25 or even 15 years ago. I can remember when all I needed was a clean, hand-drawn, to-scale plan with an architect’s stamp – and I could get a building permit within...

Location, Location, Location

Location, Location, Location

Over the last 42 years, I’ve had countless new laundry investors and existing store owners contact me for help finding new locations – more precisely, great locations. Although I would love to take out a magical crystal ball and have such a location jump out in front...

Digital Marketing

Get Ahead of the Game

Get Ahead of the Game

Start Your Holiday Marketing Campaigns Early I remember the feeling vividly: the first day of school after a long summer break. The excitement of new school supplies, seeing friends again, and the anticipation of a fresh start. But there was always that moment when I...

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

How to Make Your Laundromat Feel Like Home to Your Customers… No Matter Where Home May Be Last summer, I decided to jet off to the Mediterranean. I thought it’d be cool to pick up a little bit of every language before I went. Trust me, my Italian was more spaghetti...

Spinning Tales of Marketing Magic

Spinning Tales of Marketing Magic

How Simple Conversations and Clever Tricks Can Boost Your Business Beyond Just Clean Clothes Imagine strolling through your favorite mall. You know, the one where you always stop for a pretzel or to sneak a peek into that clothing store. As you’re wandering around,...