The Laundry Doctor

In Your Face
Never Stop Looking for Creative Ways to Get Your Brand in Front of Your Customers – And Potential Customers If you’re a regular reader of PlanetLaundry, you know that my fellow columnists Stephen Bean and Dennis Diaz are always talking about the importance of your...

PlanetLaundry Podcast, Episode 19: “How’s Business” with the Laundry Doctor
In this episode, Brian Wallace, President/CEO of the Coin Laundry Association interviews Jeff Gardner, the Laundry Doctor. You may recognize Jeff as a regular columnist in PlanetLaundry. Jeff is a laundromat owner, pickup-and-delivery business operator, and...

Avoid Shortcuts
All Garment-Care Solutions Are Not Created Equal I often read the posts and subsequent comments on the various Facebook feeds targeting the laundry business. I love the idea of people interacting with each other and sharing ideas and best practices – especially with...
Wash With Wally

Wash with Wally: How to Starch Tuxedo Shirts
I’ve recently been offered a tuxedo rental account, which would require me to wash and starch about 400 shirts each week. How do I starch these shirts in my washers? During which cycle would I need to insert the starch? To starch the shirts in your laundromat’s...

Wash with Wally: The Advantage of Hot-Water Washing
I’ve received a number of inquiries about the overall ability and effectiveness of laundry detergents to clean clothes in cold water. In other words, is there a substantial advantage to using warm or hot water when washing? There is a definite advantage to using hot...

Wash with Wally: Removing Tar from Clothing
There’s a lot of road construction being done in the area around my laundromat, and the workers are bringing in a great deal of drop-off laundry. However, I’m having some problems removing tar from their work garments. Do you have any suggestions? Tar and concrete are...
The Business Mind

Relatively Speaking
How to Navigate the Minefield of Working with Family Members Years ago, after earning my master’s degree in clinical psychology, I went to work in my father’s foundry business as the company’s director of sales. At the time – and as is likely the case today as well –...

Above the Crowd
Thoughts, Tips and Strategies to Help Differentiate Your Laundry Business from the Competition So… you’ve established the “Next Big Thing” in laundromats. You‘re ready to take on all comers and make your millions. You’re amped up. You’re psyched. You’re stoked. You’re...

Choose Your Words Carefully
Here’s What to Consider When Creating Your Laundromat’s Next Promotional Campaign One of the most tried-and-true adages in advertising is that what people hear is more important than what you actually say. After all, humans, by and large, are interpretive organisms....

What Can the CLA Do for You?
“What can Brown do for you?” That was the popular slogan for UPS from 2002 to 2010. Simple in structure yet far-reaching in scope, the slogan engaged UPS’ multi-platform customer universe to think about its relationship with the company and how it might be expanded....

Measure Twice, Cut Once
I have a fond memory of my grandfather, a contractor by trade, helping me build a stepstool as a child. He wisely said, “Be sure to measure twice, and cut once.” That wisdom has stayed with me throughout my life. Within our industry, there are countless things to...

Embracing Change
I began my career in the commercial laundry industry in 1980 as a regional sales manager for one of the major equipment manufacturers. Since then, I’ve held various sales and management positions, owned a finance company focused on the laundromat industry, served as a...
Digital Marketing

Spinning Success
Four Marketing Strategies to Implement in 2024 Toward the end of last summer, helping my nephews gear up for the coming school year taught me something interesting about making smart choices. In years past, we typically grabbed the flashiest, most popular items – you...

Cooking Up Success with Your Laundry Promotions
Creating Irresistible Promotional Programs for Your Business I love cooking. But, to be honest, I’m not a huge fan of following recipes to the T. I prefer to keep it simple and to add my own twist with different ingredients – a dash of this, a sprinkle of that… and...

Digital Marketing’s Role in Your Laundromat’s Makeover
Merging Physical and Digital Transformations with Your Store Renovation One morning, I walked into this quaint neighborhood coffee shop that I frequent occasionally, and something just felt off. The rustic tables had been replaced with sleek, minimalist designs. There...